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Emergency water treatment / mobile units

Quick, clean and safe –
drinking water in
emergency situations.

We think ahead. We are in the privileged position to demand healthy, pure water. In emergency situations where access to clean drinking water is not guaranteed, it is primarily a matter of using established treatment procedures with different processes and technologies, as well as an in-depth analysis of aspects of hygiene. The effects of natural disasters often illustrate in a terrible way that supplying those affected with hygienic, potable drinking water is one of the most pressing tasks which emergency relief forces face.


Aqua Innovationen GmbH has many years of experience in the emergency water treatment industry. In areas which have been hit by flooding, water is a particularly pressing issue. In order for the emergency water supply to work as best as it can in the event of a disaster, it is important to be informed about emergency water treatment techniques using small, compact, mobile units as well as the corresponding approach and behaviour. Our units are even used in Antarctica, where snow is melted and disinfected with a UV-C unit so that it can be used for drinking and cooking.


«Supplying clean drinking water is a concern to us. Our units and valuable contingency plans ensure that our customers are optimally prepared for the worst scenario, and that the resulting water passes every water analysis it is subjected to.»


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