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Drinking water processing for the shipping industry

A constant supply of fresh
drinking water on board – without
keeping huge reserves of water.

Compact Construction

Aqua Innovation GmbH has created a unique selling point for lake and river shipping with its filtration and membrane technology. In order for them to produce double savings, water processing on ships calls for new technologies and a compact construction of the units. For boats on lakes or rivers, every kilo counts in order to increase payload and decrease space requirements, as well as to decrease fuel consumption. The compact, modular systems from Aqua Innovation GmbH prove especially successful for ensuring the water supply on ships.



High standards are fulfilled

Our advanced technology uses an effective filtration process and UV-C disinfection, allowing pure, safe drinking water which meets onshore standards to be obtained from lakes. Unwanted, tiny organisms, bacteria and germs are prevented from "hijacking" the water supply. Our units prepare the water using micro and ultrafiltration membranes with filter pores which are so small that these unwanted organisms cannot pass through them.


A downstream Aqua UVtron UV-C unit guarantees hygienically perfect drinking water on board.


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